Sunday, November 4, 2018


Decision to adopt or make popular IBM PC and IBM PC clones for the computer industry happened at the time of a James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) movie shoot. 

Being huge already in music as a composer, a stringer of letters and words, I was the one deciding, naming things, products, technologies, and companies. They figured I may find the most appropriate and best-sounding names. 

Why did they steal from me? I have already worked, I said, for my money, for the million$ and billion$ there are to earn. A decades-long timetable of Hollywood movies for example; what I called my "financial calendar" or "financial itinerary". But they chose to steal from me. 

Music and movies is my field (and computer tech), my bread and butter. I gave them jobs, and companies to own. I made them wealthy. 

It's their turn now to decide to make me rich. I deserve it, really my work, and I'm asking for it. Maybe when I was Wizard I was selfless. It's different now. I want a few billion$ for me. 

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