Sunday, March 10, 2019

Microsoft Research

The Science and Mathematics of the 1980s, 90s, 2000s, are my designs and great improvements, or under my guidance, from when I was genius in the late 1970s to the middle 80s. 

So I ask billion$ from tech companies I started up or pioneered... 

I have been emailing Microsoft for quite some time now, no response at all! They think they're of such high stature, that they're higher than me. Typical of the British or Americans. At first, I was just figurative or implying I need my Microsoft ownership, that I need money. Then last January 2018, I started asking for a few million$ or billion$. 

So easy now for them to ignore my messages, whereas before they took advantage of my genius. Heck, I created/pioneered Microsoft Research! I co-own Microsoft! They owe me. 

It's just money; really me who pioneered modern science and technology, creating, planning, and starting up the tech companies. 

The modern science and technologies we experienced in the 1990s or 2000s or we are experiencing right now were largely designed with me or orchestrated by me, especially modern computing technologies such as Microsoft Windows (e.g. OS, calculator), Microsoft Office, MS Visual Studio, Unix/Linux & Android, Google Analytics tools, AI tools, antivirus software, Facebook GUI/app, etc. and Mathematics software such as Matlab, Mathematica, Scientific Instruments, and/or Maple. 

I can remember from the app GUIs and even from print advertisements of the software products. 

So easy now for them to ignore my messages whereas before I created/pioneered Microsoft Research, laid out the science and technologies and put them into Microsoft Research areas, in essence giving them high-paying jobs! Hah! (Me, no money at all. They didn't even think of giving me some research work, funding me. Maybe they're so ashamed of themselves, or actually hiding the greatest theft they committed.) 

I want a few billion$ from tech companies. 

Also from hard disk companies such as Conner, Western Digital, Seagate, Maxtor, Samsung, Hitachi, Toshiba, etc. 

The very first TB hard disks were conceptualized or designed by me/us. And the very early solid-state drives. It is my standards too here in hard drives. I recall we were constantly innovating on these technologies. 

USB flashdrives were my designs and standards too. I remember they used Prince Philip in extracting flashdrive "secrets" or undocumented features from me. Likewise, I was easily "doubling" the capacities of microSDs, perhaps via a better understanding of the underlying technology, initially mine. I believe microSD technology is mine, invented and developed at one manufacturing plant in early EDSA in the 1970s. Maybe in the middle 80s, they "reminded" me of this in Masbate, and I was performing the same storage capacity enhancements. Then I was stuck and couldn't double it anymore. I didn't push through; my technologies were being stolen anyway. Why did they remind me at all? Perhaps to see if I had more ideas, improvements, or refinements. 

As an aside, it was also me who standardized the symbols in circuit diagrams, or how very simply circuit components should look like graphically. We were designing IBM PC clones motherboards too. I can't remember now but all the while I was hiding some knowledge, maybe the sciences that lead to nukes, warp drives, and teleportation. Changing the graphic symbols in circuit diagrams would clearly hide the old school knowledge of electrical circuits, or correcting them. 


I need not have to sue Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, IBM, Intel, AMD, etc. I am ordering them now, as it was my decisions before that were followed for the Patent Office, the US military, the US Supreme Court, and what I called World Military Tribunal (or ICC). The US Supreme Court should initiate to order these companies to pay me the billion$ I'm asking for. Again, just a few billion$ will suffice, better than nothing for me. 

Sure it would open up on the real Cold War history which was Classified Top Secret. Is it too much to say it was me in Hollywood music and movies, and computer and internet technologies?! But you give justice for me if I'm paid, considering that I have no money at all. 

If I get my billion$ from tech companies, I think I can work or would like working for Google and Facebook etc. but not for Microsoft, though I like watching Microsoft Research and "Life at Google" videos on YouTube. :-) 

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