If I get billion$ from tech companies, I plan to start up a Research Group in AI and Quantum Computing of my Filipino collaborators. Maybe it will be advertised I was "former Genius" during the Cold War. :-) I/we created Mathematica, Matlab, Scientific Instruments, Maple, Photoshop, MS Windows, MS Office, Visual Studio, the Borland compilers, Java, etc. Can you believe that? I established the modern standards in science and technology, even owning pharmaceutical companies.
Well, I'm still kinda, sort of, genius. I was just displaced by war. Drugged by addicts. Forgot my wealth. They made me forget to steal my ownerships.
But still, even though I became addict, I laid out the best technologies in computing, created the Star Trek movies and other Hollywood blockbusters, and scheduled them for future release. Now marijuana is becoming legal in many countries. I'm no longer addict. One thing I knew was that marijuana is for military, both start with the letter 'm'.
We had quantum computers before. The Ramizos were the geniuses who had one or two quantum computers. But it was war they were being destroyed because of this. Modern computing is mine. I orchestrated everything. Most of the Ramizo family became teachers in scurrying for jobs after the war was decided to end. Everyone had to act that it was already peaceful, so peace was achieved in the process. War ended.
My father's middle and family names are Jores and Tamayo, respectively. The Joreses were very good too in computing; in the end the starships in Star Trek movies starring Chris Pine were their designs. They were Starfleet. I jampacked the computer screens you can see in the said movies with all the best AI programs that time. Actually, in Star Trek 2009, it was the Ramizos and the Tamayos fighting with each other. The villains in this movie were the Ramizos.
I was Genius-King or Wizard-King, or Wizard-Priest. The Philippines could had been my Monarchy already, but modern Philippine Republic I also helped set up.
I think now they were afraid I had too much Power. They feared I might become the Dictator next to Ferdinand Marcos.
But you know, it is easy to mellow things up, but not to the point that I was being stolen of my complete resources and wealth.
I co-designed and co-developed MS Windows, MS Office, and Visual Studio. The many versions are for different groups or teams, for them to earn big in the version releases, supposed to be some kind of "employee ownership". My father developed and straightened out the programming of MS Excel, if I remember it right.
It was me who decided IBM as top PC and considered OS/2 development. Ultimately, IBM PC clones were allowed by me.
I designed or developed for Oracle VM Virtualbox and Microsoft Windows' VM architecture too. So these computing paradigms achieved actually corresponded to my level of understanding, as what I decided so, to be written in the literature and shown in movies.
I was genius up to nuclear weapons, nuclear power, flight technologies, even warp drives. I highly respected the people of old. They had some kind of expertise in flight technologies and navigation systems. The idea is to develop readily available starships capable of travelling into space when it is time or necessary for humans to leave planet Earth or colonize other planets.
Watch Star Trek 2009 and remember that I/we jampacked the bridge's computer screens with the best AIs in graphic forms.
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