Saturday, November 10, 2018

Page Rank

I planned Google (and Alphabet) and co-developed its early technologies in the 1970s when we were a military superpower, e.g. satellites systems, Google Maps, Google Chrome, Page Rank algorithm, Gmail, Google Ads, Google Photos, YouTube, Google Translate, Google Analytics, "Google" Waze, quantum computing, the bread-named Google file compressors, etc. Imagine, I was designing/updating "live" the Waze app while it was Star Wars! These technologies are mine. They should not have implemented Google with these technologies without me. Microsoft technologies were largely ours too. I also own Microsoft. I just chose Sergey Brin and Larry Page as a symbol of Peace between US and Russia. I am supposed to be co-founder of Google.

We created the Page Rank algorithm while I was a very young child genius. I think I was reminded of it again in high school. It's one way to advertise Google, make Google popular. Maybe we chose Stanford for Page Rank. 

I created the Bing Search engine for Microsoft. It is named after my "Mama Bing", formerly wife to an uncle of mine. I remembered Bing Search again in high school, but I did it when I was still young genius.

I avoid remembering my Microsoft software knowledge because along with it are my Star Trek weapons tech knowledge. I just want money now from my work, my company ownerships in fact.

I want $110bn from Google and $125bn from Microsoft.

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