Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Biographical Novels, CNN

What I loved doing in the end was to write scientific, technical, biographical novels of top and genius scientists and mathematicians. I wrote about them, as I was one of those deciding if they are to be recognized huge in their fields, for the Nobel Prize for example. 

John von Neumann

Richard Feynman

The novel "A Beautiful Mind", for instance, was written, clutteredly unfinished, by an Asian who wasn't good in writing in English. We polished the novel's writing. It's the combined letters or diaries of American scientists trying to fit in the Asian setting at a time of a Cold War. So they were being disturbed by opposing Nations. 

I miss my genius in writing news articles, books and novels. I have written for National Geographic, Time, Newsweek, Fortune, etc. using various pseudonyms. I was CNN reporter, cameraman, and photographer journalist. I have written too for the line of Tom Clancy novels, as I was military. 

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