Data Compression Guide ZIP file (11/09/2024). This ZIP file contains all sample data compression programs in "The Data Compression Guide" site. Straight-forward implementations of compression algorithms, easy to understand, written in C. Tested on enwik8, enwik9, and the Calgary and Silesia corpuses. Now on GitHub (definitely check my GitHub, the data compressors are more updated on GitHub). These compressors will live on as long as there is GitHub, or Blogger & Google Drive.
Nothing spectacular in my TheDataCompressionGuide zip file now (coded in 2004-2007) but in the 1970s when I was a prolific kid I co-developed the ZIP algorithm, pkzip, gzip, Info-ZIP, snappy, the bread-named Google compressors, bzip and bzip2, nanozip, PAQ and ZPAQ, most probably even Zstd. I understand that they must have improved or upgraded and updated these compressors through the years. In the 1980s I was still being consulted on the Windows OSes, cryptography and the JPEG format. Me and my family were pioneers of data compression and encryption, modern computing, and quantum computing. We developed the image formats (BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG) and video formats (VCD, SVCD, MP4, H.264, H.265, DVD), the Windows OSes, WinZIP, WinRAR, and 7-Zip. I say I co-own Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook/Meta, Yahoo, Samsung, YouTube, IBM, Intel, AMD, Nvidia, etc. but taken from me.
Related Post: Reduced Length LZ (RLLZ)
The LZ77 Compression Algorithm
Dynamic Huffman Coding (Algorithm FGK)
Dynamic Huffman Coding II (Vitter's Algorithm)
PPP/Lempel-Ziv Prediction (LZP) Algorithm